PROJECT: Twenty-five years after the Srebrenica genocide, a group of young survivors returned to one of the villages of Srebrenica and committed themselves to rebuilding a peaceful community that would stand against growing nationalism and racism. The idea was born to transform the completely destroyed and uninhabited village of Kasapic near Srebrenica into an eco and peace village called Ekometa. The association “Prijatelj Prirode – Oaza Mira” is the sponsor of this project. In the last two years, four houses and a mill have already been built using traditional local craftsmanship. Our two construction camps will help to continue building the village, another wooden house is planned to provide accommodation and social spaces for future youth groups in the village. A path made of river stones is also to be built. There is much to do in Kasapic.
WORK: carpentry work, carpentry work, stone work and general renovation.
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