Bela Rechka – Goatmilk-Festival


Gorna Bela Rechka

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Volunteers: 3 Ger. / 2 Int.

PROJECT: Bela Rechka is a small village located 80 km north of Sofia. Many young people migrated from Bela Rechka into cities, while old people stayed behind. Since 2004 the foundation “Nova Kultura” organizes cultural activities in Bela Rechka that brought life to the village again. Every year in May, the international GOATMILK Festival with music, art and work-shops takes place in Bela Rechka. The IBO volunteers have been helping for several years to renovate the former school building and transform it into a cultural centre – the main venue of the festival. In 2019, the main task during the work camp will be the building of two mobile stages to make possible for cultural performances to take place also in bad weather conditions. In addition, the volunteers will enlarge the eating and sitting area (kazan) by building new chairs and tables from recycled materials and pallets. The volunteers also support the team in preparing the festival, which will take place from 24-26 May. There is plenty of room for creative ideas!

WORK: Wood work, painting, plastering, landscaping.


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