

Podum 23

Nächste Veranstaltung

Keine bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen
Lade Karte ...

Volunteers: 2 Ger. / 4 Int.

PROJECT: „Kunstkarussell e.V.“ („Art Carrousel“) was founded in 2011 in Bad Harzburg (21,000 inhabitants, district of Goslar). The association is a recognised socio-cultural educational institution and is active as an independent youth welfare organisation. It promotes the cultural and artistic education of children and young people as well as the social exchange between generations and cultures. „Kunstkarussell e.V.“ focuses on its work with young people in disadvantaged life situations. In the construction camp, the two association premises will be renovated. Floors will be laid and painted. The wooden terrace and the green areas will be put in order.

WORK: Renovation and outdoor work.

Kommende Veranstaltungen

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